Pasts in Space: Getting started with the Pleiades Gazetteer

Pasts in Space: Getting started with the Pleiades Gazetteer
21 Oct 2024, 14:00 to 21 Oct 2024, 17:30
Research Training
Second Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Speakers: Tom Elliott (New York University), Valeria Vitale (University of Sheffield) 

Venue: Senate House MakerSpace (room 265) 

In person. 

Pasts in space is a two-day series of workshops for historians, archivists, and archaeologists. Through discussion and hands-on exploration, participants will learn about resources and techniques for using, creating, and sharing information about past places and spaces for their research, teaching, and scholarly communication. Particular emphasis will be placed on theoretical and "fuzzy” aspects: how to deal with incomplete, unlocatable, contingent, disputed, and uncertain toponyms and locations over the course of a project or investigation. 

Students and scholars at all career stages and all levels of technical knowledge are welcome.

21 October: Getting started with the Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places 

Part 1: Finding and using Pleiades data 

- Nature, structure, and extent of data in the gazetteer

- How to search, collect, and download place information

Part 2: Creating and changing Pleiades data 

- Modify descriptive summaries, toponyms, and connections between places 

- Add more accurate or more complete spatial geometries 

- Contribute notice of new bibliography 

- Craft new entries for places and spaces not yet represented in the gazetteer 

- Review and editorial workflow 

Dr. Tom Elliott 
Associate Director for Digital Programs and Senior Research Scholar, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University 

Dr. Valeria Vitale 
Lecturer in Digital Humanities, School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities, University of Sheffield


Valerie James
020 7862 8716